Webinar with Dr. Ramon Goings
Location: Zoom
Presented By: The Urban Education Collaborative
Join us on Wednesday, November 17th at 4:00pm EST to hear Dr. Ramon Goings discuss The Systems and Strategies You Need to Write Your Dissertation in 7 Months Instead of 7 Years.
In this presentation Dr. Goings will share the systems and strategies that he teaches his Done Dissertation clients to navigate the dissertation in one year (or less). After the presentation attendees will have the tools needed to make the dissertation process less daunting and mysterious.
Dr. Ramon Goings Biography
Dr. Ramon Goings is the founder of the Done Dissertation Coaching Program (www.thedonedissertation.com) which provides 1:1 and group dissertation coaching and editing services for doctoral students and university partners. Additionally, Dr. Goings currently serves as Assistant Professor in the Language, Literacy, and Culture interdisciplinary doctoral program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Dr. Goings is author of over 60 publications and an expert on gifted/high-achieving Black male student success in PK-20 settings and diversifying the teacher and school leader workforce.
Prior to working in higher education, Goings was a music education and special education teacher in several urban school districts including Baltimore City Public Schools and was a foster care and youth probation counselor/advocate in New Haven, Connecticut. In 2013 he served as a fellow with the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans. He earned his Doctor of Education degree in urban educational leadership from Morgan State University, Master of Science in human services from Post University, and Bachelor of Arts in music education from Lynchburg College (now University of Lynchburg) where he now also sits on the university’s board of trustees.
Zoom Info: https://uncc.zoom.us/j/94174895080