Keepin It REEL: Black Girls Film Camp
Location: Virtual Event
Presented By: The Urban Education Collaborative
Registration Deadline: 03/31/2021

The Urban Education Collaborative at UNC Charlotte, UNC Film Studies Department, Women + Girls Research Alliance, and I AM not the MEdia, Inc. is partnering with Mingo Studios to host the four-week interactive virtual learning experience, Keepin It REEL: Black Girls Film Camp from April 24, 2021, to May 22, 2021. This film camp empowers high school Black girls to create their own stories and learn about the film industry. Teen participants will work with their own individual professional production team to create a short film of their own at the completion of the camp. Special guest speakers, gifts, and awards will all be a part of this interactive VIRTUAL experience. A LIVE ONLINE SCREENING OF ALL THE SHORT FILMS CREATED FOR THIS PROJECT WILL BE HELD ON MAY 22, 2021. The audience for this project is high school Black girls in grades 9 through 12.